Be Strong, Your Day Will Come

Let us go back in time when women were not given the right to be an author and children could not read books but only men could do EVERYTHING.

This story revolves around Scarlet, a woman who wrote novels published under her pen name. People admired her stories. Countrymen wanted to know who that amazing writer was. So, they searched all over the country and they couldn’t find a person in that name so eligible to write such novels!

Now, what will Scarlet do? Luckily, her family supported her, she spent days thinking about a way to escape and she finally found a solution! She decided to go to another country. It is a big risk! She travelled by train to a distant nation, but the people in her country were as cunning as a fox, they figured it was a woman who wrote it. Now, they were furious! Scarlet did not bring her family with her because if she was caught her family’s life would be at stake.

During her travel, she felt thirsty, just as normal people do, and wanted to quench her thirst so she got off the train in an unfamiliar station but before she returned to board the train, it left the station!

She decided to go to the government officials and spread the news so that at least the freedom for rights for women will be considered but instead they let the word out, locked her in the jail, and tortured her. Her countrymen did not even care about her now that she was already under custody.

Her family was worried and wanted to see her. But Scarlet was brave, and yelled, “IF YOU DON’T GIVE EQUAL RIGHTS TO WOMEN THERE WILL BE WORSE THINGS HAPPENING IN YOUR COUNTRY”. The soldiers laughed at this and went away. She thought of doing something big but before that, a soldier came to her and told “I am impressed by the way you defended women and I find you to be extremely knowledgeable. I believe that such a brave woman doesn’t belong here”. He let her escape and at the gate, she was shocked to see her family there!

She had spread the word to the neighbouring countries, and it spread all over the world. Thus, this story has become a good example for everyone around the globe and served as a platform to give equal rights to women and let their voices be heard.

Anna Rosanney 7C